It seems as if you would have to be in a bubble to properly protect yourself from catching the coronavirus. To remember to wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds with warm water, avoid touching your face, use hand sanitizer at the right times , wear a proper mask that covers your nose and mouth completely, etc. If an adult can’t manage to get ALL of these things right, how will a child or college student be able to prevent bringing it home to a grandparent or the rest of their family? Let me know what you think, let’s talk about it……

A Heavy Responsibility for a Child

Welcome to Smart Talk w/ V !

Smart Talk w/ V

Hey hey hey!
Welcome to Smart Talk! I’m Velekia ( you can call me V). Smart Talk w/ V is a platform for ideas, thoughts, hacks, and great conversation about all things clean. There will be some controversial topics in there to spice things up so stay tuned.

Who am I?

I am an Army Veteran, mother of 4 boys, and a grandmother to a new baby girl. Smart Start Commercial Services is a family owned business that does a little bit of everything. My family and I are thankful for the opportunity to provide a great service.

See you in Smart Talk w/ V